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Product Activation Information
Product Activation - Version 2 Software (Discontinued)
Please note that previous version 2 software is no longer supported and will no longer allow for Activation of the software. Please update to the latest version 3 software to Activate your License and begin using the software.
We understand there were a lot of problems with our previous (version 2) License system in regards to not being able to perform the Product Activation process on newer MacOS and Windows 10 operating systems. We appologize for the hassle it has caused our valued customers and have addressed this issue head on. The result is a completely redesigned License system that eliminates those issues and makes it as easy as possible to Activate your software and get on to working with it right away. The new (version 3) License system works great in conjunction with the new web site, and it works on all recent or newer MacOS and Windows operating systems.
Product Activation - Version 3 Software
The VST-AU Editor™ series products now make Activating your product online easy. Simply follow the instructions in the software and you'll be up and running in no time. Product Activation requires that you have an internet connection available. Though, you may still Activate the product on a computer that is not connected to the internet, online Activation is the easiest way to Activate your product.
Products may be Activated by a registered and licensed user from within the software and may be installed on up to three(3) machines per license. This allows you to install the software on your laptop, desktop, and a backup machine of your choice. Once you have Activated this product on three(3) machines, you will need to purchase an additional license. Note that you can install the software as many times as necessary on any of the three(3) licensed machines.
Note that each 32bit and 64bit versions installed on the same machine will count as 2 separate machines! Only select a 32 bit installation if your machine or Operating System cannot run 64 bit applications!
Product De-Activation - Version 3 Software
Product De-Activation is no longer necessary under the new licensing system. You will only need to purchase a new License if you need to Activate a License on more than three(3) machines.
Product Licensing Agreement
- You may download, install, Activate, and run this software on up to three(3) machines, as many times as necessary.
- By purchasing a License, you agree to the Terms and Conditions and Web Site Terms of Use.
- Licenses, Software, and User Accounts are non-transferrable and may not be sold, re-sold, traded, or gifted to a third-party.
- You may not share, distribute, sell, email, pirate, torrent, hack, reverse engineer, or copy this Software or User Account information in any way.
- Violation of any Terms and Conditions or Web Site Terms of Use will void your reKon audio User Account, and any Licenses you may have purchased with the account.
- You may not use this product in any manner that would be considered illegal, harmful, or not as intended for its purpose and use. This includes using the product with incompatible hardware or software systems.
- reKon audio retains all rights to the software, licensing, content, and intellectual property related to the software and product.
- reKon audio reserves the right to modify or change these Terms and Conditions, Web Site Terms of Use, Software, Licensing, or content related to the product at any time.